Journal Your Journey with Jesus

What things have God revealed to you?  Perhaps He's spoken a word to you.  What has God written on the table of your heart.  What has He poured into your soul that may have sweetened your spirit or altered your life in some way?

I know that God speaks to His children even today.  It is important that you take the time to journal your journey with Jesus; as He talks and walks you through all of your life storms. 

I have a marble composition book and a spiral notebook that I use to journal my journey with Jesus.  I also have a little notebook on my phone that allows me to jot things down in an instant so that I don't forget the things God is speaking to me.  It is important that when the Holy Spirit speaks that I start writing because I know it is going to be something so super powerful that I will want to share with the world.

I also keep a little skin pad next to my bed so that when the Holy Spirit speaks to me in the middle of the night, I can write down everything He is telling me.  This is essential for me because my journal acts as a compass and guide for my life. 

If you're not journaling your journey with Jesus, I suggest you start; this could be the preparation for a great book! 

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