Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Speak It

Speak encouragement, victory and prosperity over your life.  Bless your businesses and all your endeavors and give God praise and glory for His strength and power!

It's Time

Ladies, it's time to rise, climb and shine!

It's a brand new season.  It's a brand new day.  It's time for you to rise, climb and shine.

It's your season and there are seeds that have been given to you for you to plant.  When you have cultivated your seeds, water them carefully and watch them grow.  Your harvest will be bountiful and plentiful.

Be blessed. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rebranding and Working

It has been a busy time for me.  Rebranding Cyndi's Light Work Designs has been refreshing and rewarding.  I love what I do and I love how I do it...SMILE.  I pray about God's leadership for my life and as He guides and instructs me, I am highly favored and blessed to see my business continually growing in ways I just could not ever accomplish on my own strength.

I've gone into my studio and have created a whole new collection of designs, even though I didn't think my designs could get any prettier, the Holy Spirit constantly amazes me as He speaks the complimentary colors and and designs into my heart.  I have so much more to do...my work is like the universe...never ending and I love it.

Thank You, Lord thy God, for giving me this awesome and unique gift that for as long as I live, I'll lift You up!

What goals have you been working?  Do you need help in any area of your business?  If so, I'd be happy to help you!

Shop Christian Gifts, Decor, and more!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Today's Journey!

Today has been a highly productive week for me.  The days, absolutely beautiful and God's majesty, simply breathtaking and awe-inspiring.  If ever I felt motivated to achieve all my goals, these days have been amazing.

Last month I began working on some small home projects starting with the front door.  I wanted to paint my front door blue, but I just couldn't get the color right after two tries.  My husband painted the door both times.  We went to Lowe's and Home Depot to buy a brass door knocker and a door plate.  After he got finished painting the door, he added the beautiful accessories and I thought that this was it, until I found another blue that I must have.  My husband is going to have a fit when he gets home from work today and I tell him that I want to repaint the front door.  For some reason, the present blue on the door is just not jumping out at me the way I had hoped; I was hoping it would grow on me, but I don't think it ever will.

So off to Benjamin Moore I surfed and I found a striking bold blue that I just have to try and even if I don't like it, I'm going to keep it because I can't keep spending money on paint for my front door, but because I'm in search of a certain look, I won't be satisfied until I achieve the look I'm going for.

I'll take pics so that you can see the now because there may not be an after!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Welcome to A Woman's Journey, 
Destination... Life

Walking In the Light and with the Light!

Get ready to journey into a world of excitement as you commit to walk with God for greatness for your life! 

A Woman's Journey, Destination...Life is for woman everywhere!

A Woman's Journey is a Spirit-filled adventure that promises to empower, equip, enlighten, encourage and enhance every single area of your life! 

Seeing the vision and receiving the revelation from God, His plan, purpose and will for your life is a blessed and amazing journey that will take you straight into your destination, soaring with wings like Eagles!  Your spirit renewed, your mind transformed and your heart beating with joy from sheer excitement from the knowledge you are about to glean to do awesome things in the name of Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sandy has come and gone, but left remnants that serve as a powerful reminder that God is real.

Thinking about all the storms that have rocked communities and people's lives, I think about the storms that have plagued my life teaching me life lessons I would not change for the world.  These are the life lessons no professor or teacher with the highest level of
degrees could ever teach me.

I've learned through these life-altering lessons that I cannot put my trust nor confidence in anyone but God.  I've learned and I now see, after coming out victoriously from the storm, that God had devised this one-of-a-kind awe-inspiring plan that would have the ability to change my life forever.

Seeing my father suffer through dialysis, a tri-weekly procedure he thoroughly dreaded and after his death, I realized that all the things that I was always worrying about along with all the things that I
thought had great importance, had no importance at all.  A light came on in my mind; that light, like the sun, allowed me to see things so completely different after the death of my father.  It was like a veil had covered my eyes far too long and now the veil had been lifted and I could see things that had clouded my mind and heart for way too long.

Finding myself crying almost every second of the hour after my father had moved into his new home in Heaven, I felt as if my heart was never going to mend and while I am so sure that it will never mend, I am better because I realize, understand and now know that God is love and He loved my father and only wanted the best for him which meant no more suffering.  I then came to a crystal clear understanding that everyone has to die someday and I am no different.  It's been almost 12 years since my father entered into his mansion of eternal rest and I am doing a lot better than in previous years.

I am now able to live my life in a state of calm and peace like I've never lived it before and I owe it all to God and His word.  God's beautiful word has truly transformed my life in more ways than one and I am truly grateful for the woman I have become.

It is imperative that as a child of God that we spend time in His presence listening for God to speak and direct.  It is also vital, essential that we heed His every word because you can believe God is
in control of every single situation and circumstance of your life. His guidance and direction over and in your life can change your life in a positive and major way.

Are you in a storm right now blinded by the darkness that surrounds you and you're afraid you're never going to come out of the torrent of the storm.  All you have to do is call on the only name that has power believing that He is your eyes and that He has the power and authority to lead  you safely through whatever it is you are going through.

Deepen your faith and change your life; that's what I did and now I walk bold and courageously without fear leading the way.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tips and Inspirational Messages

1.  When you are awakened to God's blessings each day, give Him praise with thanksgiving    pouring forth from the depths of your soul.

2.  Spend quiet time with God and ask Him to reveal His plan for your life to you.  Be sure to be still, quiet and listen for God to answer your petition.

3.  Spend time reading, studying and meditating upon the word of God; He often speaks through His word.  Be attentive.

4.  Whatever you may be going through in your life, you can always go to God and remember He will supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

5.  God has given you a treasure of special gifts; use your gifts to glorify Him.

6.  Stay prayerful every day of your life.  When you awake, pray, all day pray, and when you go to bed, pray; it will change your life. 

7.  Clothe yourself with passages of Scripture and when difficulties arise, peace will abide in you.

8.  Deepen your faith, trust in the Lord and keep His commands and you shall prosper all the days of your life.

9.  God is love and He loves you unconditionally.  His merciful kindness extends to every area of your life.

10.    Give God thanks for all that He has done and for all that He continues to do in your life.  You will never be the same.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Glorious Day

It's a glorious day here in my neighborhood which means it's a glorious day throughout the universe.

Awakened to God's great blessings, I am forever grateful to the Lord thy God for guiding me and for directing my every move.

There is nothing much on my agenda at the moment because I am waiting to hear from the Holy Spirit.  What is on your to-do-list today?  What is in your heart.  What is it that you love to do?  Whatever it is, be sure to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit before you begin your day because when you listen to the Holy Spirit, your day will run smoothly and you'll be able to see things much more clearly no matter what's going on around you. 

Created to Be Great

As a woman of God there are no limits on what you can do in and with your life.  I want you to step outside for a few minutes.  Lookout into the world.  You should see God's majesty.  What comes to your mind as you stand in the midst of His glory.  First, let me remind you just how amazingly awesome God truly is.  I now want you to give God thanks for His glory, strength, power, authority, dominion, grace, compassion, His merciful kindness and provision.  Now take another look and witness this: God's majesty; it has no beginning and no ending.  It extends far beyond anything you can see, (but perhaps you can imagine).  This is God's greatness; He lovingly extends it to you.  That said, nothing in and of this world should hold you back from living the abundant and rich life you desire.  Not this economy, not your problems, not your fears, not your worries, nothing.

You are a child of the King, a jewel of Jesus and His plan is for you to have whatever it is that your sweet heart desires.  Now when you are ready to grow those seeds God has planted in you, sit down, be still, quietly enter into His gates with thanksgiving reflecting upon God's everlasting majesty and greatness because that's how great you will be.  Believe and receive!

Blessings We Can't See

Life can be so hard at times; not from anything we ourselves may have done, but just by the hand of man alone. 

Going about my daily routine working as program coordinator at the hospital in my neighborhood, I look back now and I can honestly see just how difficult my co-workers made my life there and all for their own benefit or so they thought.  My goodness; why couldn't I just go to work, do my job and get compensated for doing what I thought was an outstanding job utilizing my superior computer skills to help me to get the job done smoothly day in and day out.  What a blessing for me that I no longer work there.  Of course, at first, my thought was, I was going to be without a bi-weekly paycheck, but I was going to have peace of mind, which far outweighs money.

I can now see all the blessings packaged in the years that I worked there.  I endured the torrent of storms working with various personalities; those personalities and for someone else.  I can honestly say that everything I went through was truly a blessing because seeing how others acted in a non-Christ like way, it made me want to be more like my Savior and that in itself is a blessing.  I learned some priceless lessons, one being how not to treat other people, if that makes sense, but then again, it has never ever been my character to mistreat anyone.  I'm not the agressor and I'm glad that I'm not because being the agressor sometimes means doing and saying things that can be hurtful to others without having any truth to it at all.

Life doesn't have to be hard at all; it really doesn't.  Live your life and dreams to the fullest; it's easy when you believe in Jesus!

Never Ever Stop Dreaming! 
Even Through Your Storms, Keep Dreaming.

Giving God Thanks

 It's five a.m. Friday morning and Prince and I are taking a quick stroll outside so that he can stretch...oh, it's chilly out, but I am loving it.  For those of you who know me, you know that this is the time of year that I simply adore.  Standing by the mailbox, I look up into the sky as I often do whenever I go outside.  I love looking out into God's majesty because you see when I look out into God's majesty, I see my prosperity and I witness His good and glory.  What a blessing for me to be able to connect to the Lord my God in such a loving and spiritual way.  My relationship with God is the most important relationship in my life and I love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, might and strength.

Standing in the brisk breeze so early in the morning, I took this time to look up to the sky...viewing the stars I had to thank God, as I often do in all situations, circumstances and experiences in my life...I was deeply moved by His wondrous works, the shining starts that light the sky, like a graphic design I love to create.  What an awesome joy it is to see God's loving hands at work in the universe and in my life. 

I thank God for waking me up this morning and for sending opportunities to me that no one else could ever possibly offer or provide unless from the throne of God's grace and mercy.  I love You, Father.  You are the Source, Strength and the glowing Light that lights my heart and shines on my path and I thank You, Lord.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.


Obstacles; they came in many forms today.  The Enemy tried to block my path; He tried keeping me from achieving my goals, but here I am, able to write about it; to post it and to share this awesome testimony with others in hopes of embracing someone with what I like to call God's greatest blessings.

You see, when I woke up this morning God had already devised His plan for me; all I, Cynthia G. Boyer, had to do was one thing; obey God's commands.  God doesn't make things difficult or taxing for His children.  He makes everything so easy for us. We're the ones who like to do things the hardest way possible by choosing not obey His voice. Within God's plan He has included everything we need to accomplish what He lays out before us and I certainly don't want to miss out on some of my greatest opportunities or God's blessings by disobeying Him.

Today started out with an awesome blessing; being awakened to God's grace and merciful kindness.  Thank You, Father God. I placed my feet on the floor in my bedroom and was so grateful that I still had most of my senses and I say most because I had not eaten breakfast yet, but I could walk, talk, see, hear, feel and touch.  My husband, my sons, my daughters, my mother and my family and friends were all safe and breathing in God's glory another day.  I have much too be thankful for.

My son was home from today in observance of the Jewish Holiday/Holy Day; to God be the glory. When he finally got out of bed he asked me if I wanted to clean the house and decorate for autumn.  I said yes, but both of our agendas lead us down a completely different path. There was really not much to clean and my mind was on completing my ebooks and converting them into pdf files so that I could post them for sale on my new publishing company's blog; DaySpring Publishing.

Well, the Enemy thought He had a different plan for me, but God had something greater in store for me and that was to just sit still and praise Him because for three-consecutive days I met opposition.
On the first day of discovery my laptop computer would not work; I think there is something in the circuit board because the screen is black and I have to keep opening and closing it a million times in an attempt to get it work; forget that.  I moved over to the desktop; it worked long enough for me to create a few design covers.  Not long after that, it seems the Holy Spirit wanted me to just take a much needed break so I climbed in bed and just thought about all these things and how great God is.  When Tuesday rolled around the Enemy was waiting for me; trying His best to sabotage me in some sneaky way, but I, again, just laid still and talked to God for a little while and then when my husband came home we had dinner and then I retreated to my bedroom/office (my favorite room in the house).  I took it easy for the rest of the evening.  I was exhausted from gettng up so early Tuesday morning that I just laid down with God on my thoughts.


Today, Wednesday, September 26, I've been thinking about my father; his birthday is September 29 and I miss his voice, his jokes, and his awesome advice for my life.  While working on my ebooks and trying to convert them to a pdf, the computer went completely haywire.  I kept trying and trying until my friend, Derrick, said, just take it easy and give God thanks in advance for what He's about to do.

Here I am; it's Wednesday afternoon going on four bells and I am truly blessed to be able to write this testimony of thanksgiving to God for someone who may be experiencing the same things I am going through in terms of the Enemy throwing those daggers to stop our growth.

Well, this is my new saying; when I look out into God's majesty I see my prosperity.  I honest believe this and I receive it because I stand on a foundation of God's promises and I know that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

Glory be to God in the Highest.  He is worthy of abundance of praise, honor and thanks.


Praise God

It’s Friday, September 28, 2012, and it’s been an enemy-fighting week.

In the midst of the storms, I praised and thank God for being my eyes; for seeing what I could not see.  I thanked God for being my feet that carefully brought me safely out from all the storms that raged throughout my week.  I am grateful to God for protecting me from that which I could not possibly protect myself.

Here I sit, in my office; a setting that lends comfort and a real sense of peace and unspeakable joy.  I just got home from a viewing; my neighbor passed away and I wanted to go and see her before she was to be buried.  After seeing my neighbor for the last time here on earth, I drove to see my mother.  I spent a few minutes with my mother before I made my way back home; sixty miles round trip can be tiring at times and I just wanted to get home today and spend some time working on business goals, but that was not to be because the internet was not working and either was the television.  I knew God was speaking to my spirit so I took off my clothes, clothed myself with my caftan and laid in bed for a short while.  I called my mother to let her know that I arrived home safely.  She was in the process of warming her lunch even though it was still early, but I guess she had a taste for the Chinese food she had for dinner yesterday.  There’s nothing wrong with that because there have been times when I have eaten leftover pizza from the night before the next morning for breakfast. I then picked up my cell phone and called my husband, but I guess he was busy because he didn’t answer.  So then I laid in bed and began talking to God; I wanted to let Him know how much I love and
appreciate Him.

I think it is really important for God’s children to spend time with Him; praising Him and thanking Him for everything that He does for us.  I don’t think it’s right to always go to God in pray when we are hurting or in dire need of something that we believe can only be delivered through/by prayer.  When I think about all the goals I have achieved and all the dreams that I now live, I have to think about God.  There have been times when I tried to pursue my dreams, reach my goals, fulfill my aspirations and complete an endless list of things to do, I tried to do it all alone; which was truly impossible.  After realizing through  reading, studying and meditating upon God’s word that I do not have the strength, the wisdom or business savvy to accomplish all those things that I had on my plate and looking back, deeply reflecting and asking myself this question: what was it all for?   Was it for my benefit?  Was it to bring God glory?  Was it to bless someone else?  What was my main goal, my focus.  I can honestly say that my main focus was to earn a living, but at the same time doing what I love to do which is to use the art of writing and the gift of design to do it.

I always loved to write.  I just knew that I was going to become this famous world photo-journalist, but unfortunately for me, I lacked one thing that kept me from achieving my goals at a young age.  Here I am now, soon-to-be 54 years of age and just recently I would say to myself, man oh man, Cynthia, what have you accomplished in your life and I would give myself a real quick answer and that answer was always the same answer; NOTHING!  That was until the Holy Spirit spoke these
words to me:

Here I am, a woman full of compassion; a great woman and child of God with a spring of ever flowing love embedded deep within my spirit, steeping in my soul.  I am a woman who opens the door of her heart to give whatever I can when anyone calls in need of help in some form or
capacity.  I am a woman who loves to write about the love she feels for God and I am a woman who enjoys using the amazing gifts and talents God has bestowed upon her in more ways than one.  So I may not have a college degree and I may not be financially wealthy, but I am spiritually wealthy and I am able to use my gifts as I am blessed abundantly as I working in the comfort of my own home and there is no amount of money that can compare to the awesome sense of ever enduring peace and joy that comes from having this kind of wealth in my life.

Lift your voice and rejoice in the Lord!

 Open the Door!
Now you can open the door of your 
life by faith in Jesus Christ!

If you want to live your dreams, 
be strong and of a good courage and 
by faith in Jesus Christ, doors of opportunities 
will open so you can  live your dreams and reach your goals!
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews Chapter 11: 1

Achieving your God-gifted goals is easier than you ever thought possible.  I've been working from home since 2002 writing poetry and creating some of the most awesome designs are to grace a canvas.  In an effort to grow my very own home based businesses, I did an extensive research on how to grow my new found venture with free marketing information that I found on the internet.  The information was a well of wealth that was exactly the thing I needed for my businesses to achieve the height and level of success I was seeking.  I worked and worked on my businesses, but something was still missing because I wasn't making any money; I wasn't earning a living and I knew it was impossible to earn a lucrative income with my skill set.  I knew my businesses had the potential to be great, but I was lacking the very most important element in my life which was the very reason my businesses were suffering.  Not only did my businesses suffer, but I too, suffered.  I became even more discouraged and slipped into a slump that taught me the one lesson I needed to learn to help me, not only grow my businesses, but to truly transform my life.

God is, as He has always been, sweetly gracious, merciful, loving, great, good and wonderful to me.  Here I was with these amazing gifts from God that money could not buy and I was using them diligently, but things were going very slowly.  I began using my God-given gifts more and more each and every day because it was something I enjoyed doing.  I love to write short stories, poems and most of all, I love to design.  

Along with my gifts from God, His Holy Spirit came to indwell me when I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was only but a child.  As I grew older and a little wiser, I learned so much more about God, His beautiful character and His loving ways.  I then learned that His Holy Spirit comforts me, guides me, helps me and instructs me everyday of my life which is to say that I always have a wealth of information inside me because the Holy Spirit tells me things no man knows; I love and appreciate Him for that.  Through all of these things, I have worked and worked although, looking back, I do believe I could have worked harder to in an effort to help grown my businesses, but without the help of the Holy Spirit and without this one important element in my life as well as in my businesses, I would not be where I am right now;  my faith in Jesus Christ.  

I didn't understand what faith really meant until I stumbled across the awe-inspiring website of Margaret Lukasik, http://www.victory-bible-studies.com/

Margaret's website contains a true wealth of great information you can use in your life and for your life.  My faith has soared and my confidence, which was another component in business that I once lacked, has positioned me on the path where God's lamp is a light unto my feet illuminating my every footstep.

A blessing to have it and a blessing to live it!

A Scripture on the Table was created to serve as reminders to families
the importance of applying God's principles to their lives daily!
A Basket Full of Fruit was designed to help plant God's fruits 
in our lives to nourish and strengthen us in His word!

Jesus Christ 
gives us
A Basket Full of Fruit 
from His Word and lays, 
 Scriptures on the Table!